A Shore Thing Page 5
"Hey sorry- no offense. And thanks for helping us win that game the other day."
"Uhh...sure," I replied, uncertainly. I really didn't know what to think of this guy.
"So, come with us tonight," he smiled. "Don't worry... I won't be a big jerk. Mouse knows how to keep me in line."
"Well someone's got to," she said, snapping her gum. "So, what do you say, Colby?"
I thought about Ethan and how he and Lexie were together at the art show. I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess I'll go."
"Great, see you two lovely ladies at eight," he said smiling, as he headed out the door.
Just then Ethan arrived for his shift. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey, what was Meat Head doing here?" he asked, motioning to the door.
"Nothing, he just offered to take us ladies to Beach Haven tonight," Mouse said.
Ethan glanced at me, looking confused. He paused for a minute. "Are you going?" he asked me.
"I don't know... maybe," I said.
"Yeah, she's going, " said Mouse, shooting me a look. "No backing out, Colby." She glanced at Ethan. "Do you want to come, too?"
He shook his head. "Nah, that's ok," I've got a family thing going on tonight," he said. He looked at me and smiled, "Have fun."
"Yeah, you too," I said.
He looked a little upset, but I really didn't understand why. He didn't seem upset when he was with Lexie at the art show. Things seemed so weird between us now and I just wanted to get out of there. My shift was over, so I headed for the door.
I looked back at Ethan. "See you later."
"Yep. See ya," he said, not bothering to look up from the register.
I was in such a hurry to leave that I left my cell phone behind the register. I didn't realize it until I got home. I dreaded the thought of going back to the shop, but I'd didn't have a choice.
I hurried back in while Ethan was busy making a latte for an old woman. When he saw me, he nodded, but didn't smile.
"Forget something?" he said, holding out my cell phone.
"Uhh... yeah. Thanks."
"Yep," he said, and turned back to the customer, all business.
I sighed and headed back to the house. Who did he think he was? All that talk about me being different... and he liked me and didn't want to mess things up. He really laid it on thick. And now he seemed mad at me? Or maybe he was just sick of me already- flavor of the week. More like flavor of the night. Whatever. I wasn't going to dwell on someone who obviously didn't care about me. I was going out with Mouse and Buzz and I was going to have a blast. At least that's what I told myself.
Car Pool
Mouse and I were waiting outside the cafe when Buzz pulled up in his Dad's silver SUV, hitting the curb. He laid on the horn.
"Let's go ladies," he said grinning, "the night awaits us."
We climbed in the truck, but there weren't enough seats because he already had two other guys in the car.
The guy in the back had spiked hair and a gap between his teeth. He grinned. "Well, it looks like someone is going to have to sit on my lap. What do you say ladies? Come to papa."
Mouse hit him on the shoulder. "Yeah, right. In your dreams. Hop in the hatch, Trevor."
"The hatch, no way," he said. "There's no room back there."
Buzz glared at him in the rear-view mirror. "You heard the lady. Hop in the rear."
Trevor sighed. "Fine, but I don't see why I'm always the one who has to ride back there. I mean really, dude. There's no dignity in that."
"You have two seconds before I toss your sorry butt to the curb," said Buzz.
Trevor sighed. "Whatever," he mumbled to himself as he climbed over the back seat to lay in the back-storage compartment. "No dignity in this at all, dude," he said.
"Yeah, there's no dignity in you walking either. And remember to keep your head down so the cops don't see you and pull us over."
Buzz cranked up some rap music and hit the gas. We all lurched forward every time he came to a stop light and slammed the brakes.
"Who taught you to drive, Buzz? You tryin' to kill us?" Mouse asked.
Buzz laughed. "Not at all. Just eager to start the fun with you lovely ladies," he said, peering in the rear-view mirror and raising an eyebrow.
Mouse rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Just be careful. We'd like to get there in one piece."
"Yeah," Trevor yelled from the storage compartment. "Careful man. Every time you slam those brakes, I hit my head off the back door."
Buzz slammed the brakes again. "Oops," he said, laughing. "You mean like that?"
"Ouch! Not funny, Dude. No dignity in this at all, " he mumbled.
Mouse and I started cracking up. "Hang in there, Trevor. We're almost there, Sweetie," said Mouse.
The blonde guy in the front said, "Yeah, Sweetie, hang in there."
"Shut up, Darryl. Next time I'm ridin' shotgun and you're in the hatch," Trevor called from the back.
Darryl laughed. "Don't hold your breath."
Then he turned around and said, "I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Darryl," he said smiling. He reminded me of a Ken doll, his hair perfectly slicked back and big grin frozen on his face.
"Hi, I'm Colby," I said.
His eyes narrowed. "Oh Colby...you're the one Lexie was talking about the other day."
I rolled my eyes. Lexie. I couldn't seem to get away from that girl. I nodded. "Probably... I don't think she's my biggest fan."
He laughed. "No, she's definitely not. But don't let her get to you. She just doesn't want anyone near her golden boy. So, are you and Ethan like an item or something?"
I shook my head and said, "No." I wished we were, but I wasn't going to let him bring me down. Darryl and Buzz smirked at each other and nodded. I wasn't sure what that meant, but it made me a little nervous.
Finally, we pulled into a parking lot beside Fantasy Island amusement park. The Ferris wheel glowed against the night sky. I always loved amusement parks at night. There was something so exciting and romantic about them. I wished Ethan was there with me.
Buzz turned around and smiled. "Alright, let's go have some fun kids."
We bought a bunch of tickets and rode the pirate ship first, but then Trevor threw up in the garbage can as soon as we got off.
"Dude, I told you not to eat a chili dog before we came here. What's wrong with you, man?" Buzz laughed and hit him on the back.
"It wasn't the chili dog; it was your driving. See what happens when you make me ride in the hatch?" he replied.
"Whatever dude, next time we're leaving your sorry butt home."
"Thanks for the sympathy."
Mouse grabbed a tissue from her purse and handed it to Trevor. "Here honey, wipe your face and have a seat on the bench. No more rides for you."
"Gee... thanks, Mom," he said sarcastically.
Mouse hit him on the shoulder. "That's why you ride in the back hatch."
Next, we rode the Ferris wheel. Darryl jumped in the seat next to me before Mouse got a chance to. So, Buzz sat with Mouse and it's a good thing he did because Buzz was a big baby and he needed Mouse to hold his hand at the top. I guess he was afraid of heights.
"You'll be okay, sweetie. Just don't look down," I heard her saying from the cart above us.
When we were rounding the top, Darryl stretched and put his arm around me. I felt really uncomfortable and there was nowhere to escape. I couldn't wait till the ride was over.
"So, tell me," he said, "how do you know Mouse?"
"We work together at the coffee shop. I'm here for the summer staying with my grandmother."
He smiled, his plastic smile. "Well, that gives you plenty of time to have some fun," he said, stroking my shoulder.
Ewww... this guy was giving me the heebie-jeebies. "Uhh...yeah, I said, shrugging off his hand.
"Relax, just trying to have a little fun," he said,
I hurried off the ride trying to escape Darryl and his wondering arms, and that's when I saw Ethan standing in line. He was with a younger kid; it must have been his little brother. He looked a lot like him. Our eyes locked and at first he smiled, then he saw Darryl walking behind me and his smile disappeared. He waved quickly and looked away.
My heart sank. Our date had been just a few nights ago, but everything was so different now. I wished I could rewind the past few days and fix whatever I did wrong.
Unfortunately, life doesn't come with a rewind button.
Party On
I was really quiet on the ride home. Mouse asked, "What's wrong, sweetie? Is it Ethan? Are you guys having a fight or something?"
I shrugged. "I really don't know what's going on with me and Ethan. I thought things were going well, but then I saw him with Lexie at the art show. And now everything is just really weird between us."
Mouse tipped her head to the side. "Well...have you tried talking to him about it? Ethan's s good guy. Maybe if you tell him how you feel."
I shook my head. "How he feels and how I feel are very different. I guess I just got the wrong idea. I just have to let it go."
"Well...I thought you guys really had something going. I guess he fooled us all."
I nodded.
"But don't let him ruin the rest of your time here. You're young...you're at the beach...let's have some fun!"
I smiled. She was right. I had to stop thinking about Ethan and move on.
When we got back to the cafe, we piled out of the car.
"Now it's time to par-tay," said Buzz. He opened the back hatch, and Trevor climbed out rubbing his head. "You're brutal, man. Just brutal."
Buzz laughed. "Whatever little man. Just be glad you had a ride," he said, punching his shoulder.
Trevor held up his hand. "Enough abuse already. You've done enough damage for one night.
Buzz grabbed a cooler from the back of his car. "Alright kids, let the good times roll," he said, smiling.
We walked down toward the beach. There was a fire burning and some kids were already gathered around. I remembered my last beach party and I was having second thoughts about going.
"It's kind of late and I have work tomorrow. Maybe I'll just head back to the house," I said.
Mouse grabbed my hand. "Oh, no you don't. The night is young and so are we," she said smiling. "Come on let's have some fun."
Mouse cranked up some music on the radio lying in the sand nearby. She started dancing, hands in the air and hips swiveling.
Buzz grinned, "Oh yeah...That's it...work it, little mama." He grabbed her waist and started dancing behind her.
I was ready to leave. I could have slipped away and they wouldn't have even known that I had gone. But then Darryl appeared beside me. He held out a red solo cup, offering me a drink. I shook my head. "No, thanks."
"Come on, it's a party. You've got to loosen up a little," he said, rubbing my shoulders.
I pulled away. "Uhh... sorry. I have work early in the morning." I started walking back along the beach, but he followed me. I picked up my pace and so did he. He caught up to me and put his arm around me again.
"Oh, come on, honey, lighten up," he said, pulling me towards him. "You know you could be kind of pretty without those glasses." He reached up to take them off.
I pulled away and held my glasses in place. "Really? You've got to be kidding. That's like the worst pick up line of all time. And I like my glasses, but thanks for the fashion advice."
I turned and kept walking, more quickly.
He chased after me. "What's up with you? Are you afraid to have fun or are you just being a little bitch?" he shouted.
This was really getting creepy. I picked up the pace, but he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "Don't go away all mad. I'm just joking. Let's just relax a little."
I squirmed to get away, but he had a firm hold on my arms and he pulled me towards him, trying to kiss me. I turned my face away.
That's when I heard someone approaching.
"Leave her alone, Moron. She's not interested." It was Ethan. I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. I felt so glad that he was there. I was really getting scared.
"You, okay?" He whispered, putting his arm around me protectively.
I nodded. "I'm alright. He's just being a jerk."
Darryl smirked. "Well...look who it is- the little surfer boy. You've come to rescue your girl, huh? Don't worry. There's enough to share- she gets around."
Ethan clenched his fists, his eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"
"Ask your friend Lexie. She said that your little friend here has been making the rounds. Sorry to break it to you, Dude."
Ethan hauled off and punched him right in the nose. Darryl stumbled back, holding his face. "What the heck, man. We were just having fun."
"Didn't look like fun to me. You so much as look in her direction again, you'll get a lot worse than that, " said Ethan. He grabbed my hand. "Come on Colby. Let's get out of here."
We walked the rest of the way to Gran's house in silence. I was still shaking a little from what happened. When we got to the house, he turned to me. "You sure you're okay?" he asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just glad you were here."
He pushed my hair behind my ear and whispered, "Me too." Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath. I thought for sure he was going to kiss me, but he pulled away suddenly and said, "Okay...well I'll see you at work tomorrow."
I nodded. "See you tomorrow. And thanks again for helping."
He smiled. "You bet."
I was so confused. One minute it seemed like really liked me and the next minute he was pulling away from me. I was just glad that he was there tonight. I decided that at least it was good to have Ethan as a friend, if nothing else. But I couldn't stop thinking about what Darryl had said and how Lexie told him that I "got around". I wondered what other rumors she was spreading about me and how many people had heard them.
I decided the best thing to do would be to ask Ethan about it. It would be hard, but I was tired of hiding my feelings. I just hoped I had the courage to follow through with my plan.
I was a wreck waiting for Ethan to arrive for his shift the next day. I had already spilled a coffee on the counter, broken a saucer, and was pacing back and forth behind the counter, biting my nails when Mouse put a hand on my shoulder. "You need to calm down, Colby. You're making me nervous. Everything's going to work out. Just talk to him."
I nodded, and started pacing again.
"You're killing me, Sweetie. Relax!"
Just then Ethan came in and Mouse spun towards me, balancing saucers and mugs in her hands, and mouthed the words 'talk to him' as she headed for the kitchen door. I nodded.
"Hi," I said, kind of awkwardly.
"Hey, what's up, Colby?" he said, with a serious face.
No cute smile. No "Hey Cappuccino."
I couldn't take this weirdness between us anymore. So, I did something I never do. I spoke my mind. When he came behind the counter, I grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eye. I took a deep breath and blurted out, "I really need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, what's up?" He said, looking surprised.
"Can you meet me at the beach when your shift is over?"
He gave me a concerned look and nodded slowly. "Yeah, sure... is everything okay?"
"It will be, but there's just some things that I need to say to you," I replied.
"Sure, I'll see you there around four, ok?"
"Thanks," I said, letting go of his wrist. It wouldn't be easy, but I knew I had to tell him how I felt.
Waiting on the beach, seemed to take forever. To say I had butterflies in my stomach was a huge understatement. I glanced at my watch. It was already 4:15.
He wasn't coming.
Of course, he wasn't coming.
Why didn’t I get it? He just wasn't interested. How many ways did he have to show me?
I stood up and picked up my beach towel to leave when I heard him calling to me. "Hey Colby, wait up! Sorry I'm late. Mr. Jennings spilled his coffee all over the floor and I had to mop up before I left."
He was out of breath. He must have run the whole way. He bent over to catch his breath.
I smiled. He was here. And he ran.
"Hi," I said.
"Hi." He grinned back, looking a little confused. I missed that grin.
"Listen, Ethan. I don't mean to bug you, but I just have a few things to say."
He looked concerned. "Okay. What's up?"
I dropped the towel back on the sand and sat. He sat down next to me, but left a little distance between us. Not like before.
I took a deep breath. It was now or never. "Ok, here's the thing, Ethan. I'm not sure what's going on between you and Lexie... I guess that’s your business, but she is saying some really awful things about me. And I think it's really bad that you're okay with that."
He shook his head. "I know and I'm really sorry. Here's the thing about Lexie, she's kind of a spoiled brat. And when she doesn't get her way, she throws a tantrum. It's why I broke up with her. I just couldn't take it anymore." He shook his head. "And now she's out to get anyone I care about."
"Even me?" I asked, hesitantly.
He looked at me and nodded slowly. "Especially you. I think she knew that ... that I really liked you."
Liked. Past tense.
I shook my head. "That doesn't make sense. I saw you guys...at the art show. You were...together."
Ethan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You were there?"
I nodded. "I saw her, hanging on you and laughing with you. She even entered a painting of you in the contest. I think it's safe to say she's not over you."
He looked me in the eye. "Maybe not...but I'm definitely over her."
"Then why were you there with her?" I asked.
After she treated you so bad at the ice cream shop, I was really mad at her. I couldn't believe she acted like that. The next morning, she called me to apologize. She promised she wouldn't act like that again and she said she'd apologize to you, too. She begged me to go with her to the show. I didn't want to, but my parents are good friends with hers and they pressured me to go with her... but just as friends. In fact, I was really excited when I heard you won. I was searching the crowd looking for you. But I didn't see you. I couldn't wait to tell you the good news at work the next day. But then Buzz showed up..." He shook his head and sighed. "And I guess I got jealous that you guys were going out with him."